Sunday, January 11, 2009

Who wants to join me?

I'm talking about the DinoTri! The Dinotriathlon June 27th. I did it in 2007, but skipped last year due to a sprained ankle. Yeah, I tangled up with a motorcycle riding my bike in Moab and the darned thing took FOREVER to heal. I guess that's a by product of my age. Anyway, I digress. I am committing today to do the Dino Tri , it's a super fun atmosphere. We swim in Red Fleet Reservoir, bike to the high school and run around neighborhoods, then finish in the football stadium. I swear I about cried when I ran in the stadium and they announced my name. Yes I was stumbling around the track half dead, but I made it! My friend Troy was the announcer, and he talked about the fact that I was riding my "trusty mountain bike Spooky" in the event. Yes, I ride a mountain bike...I fear skinny wheels and I'm not too worried about breaking world records in the time category...just improving my fitness.

So I'm throwing it out there. Who wants to join me? Sophie has committed! Maybe her friend Dot...I'm thinking Christina? Who else? It will be lots of fun and maybe we'll get a little more fit in the process.

I'm hoping I get the same number again this year. 303 was perfect...when I held my arm one way it said wow and the other way was mom. Can't beat that!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Wow what a fun game! The Utes are undefeated...13 and 0, and just rolled the crimson tide. BCS? More like BS! I think it's time the Mountain West Conference got some respect.
It's such a bummer being a Ute fan where we live because we can very rarely get the games on TV because none of the satellite carriers here have the mountain.
We went to Matt and Maya's and watched the game with the family and lots of friends....what fun!
Yep, we're a Utah family and we bleed red :)...then again who doesn't?