Friday, August 22, 2008

Mike and Laci's wedding

Me and my bros. They won't get any closer to me than this....they think I'm dangerous. ( I may try to kiss them or hug them or something)

Is this right out of "Tombstone" or what???? Gotta love it!

I discovered something about myself this summer that I really wasn't aware of... I like, more like LOVE weddings! Not the kind I grew up with where everyone is quite solemn..and family members are forced at gun point to stand in uncomfortable shoes for hours on end and shake hands of people they don't really know. ( because the whole town is invited)

My nephew got married this month, and Mike and Laci had a wedding to remember. Beautiful scenery, lovely ceremony, and lots of opportunities to dance with your crazy aunt you haven't' seen in years!!! Got to spend some time with my brothers, my sister in laws and nieces and nephews.

So I've had a summer of fun weddings with Spencer and Barbara's in June, and now another great time was had by all at Mike and Laci's. And the best part to me, is the complete celebration of love. ( I'm waxing poetic now sorry) The love you see in the bride and groom...the love and well wishes you feel for them...the love you hope everyone around you is feeling.....yep, I love weddings.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sturgis or bust!

Kevin took a "little" trip on his scooter last week to Sturgis. I think he had fun and really liked some of the rides out there. He said the road in this picture was like a "hot wheels track". Ran into some buffalo....saw some craziness. (would YOU get in a big metal ball and let a guy ride a motorcycle in circles around you? There isn't enought tequilla!)

I told him I would like to go next year if I can drive the van and meet him there! My butt on a motorcycle for that many hours isn't happy!

He does love his Fat Boy and I love my thin, healty fit, handsome boy!

Monday, August 4, 2008

AAAHhhhhh! Crested Butte

There is such a great vibe there. Great trails, amazing scenery, food to die for...what more do you need? Oh yeah really cool friends to share it all with.

There's not a lot of oxygen at 10,707 feet, and that's where the single track starts! Yep, it goes up from there. When you get to the top of 401 you're so stoked just to be there, and then all the down hill fun starts. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face for days!

Some nice lady on the trail asked if I was wearing a maternity riding top....fair question I guess! I said " nope, I'm wearing an I don't want to hold my stomach in top" . Now if I can just get rid of that stomach I don't want to hold in I'll be even happier. Wish me luck on that one, cause I like to cook and eat as much as I like to ride.

Life is good isn't it?