Those of you who haven't seen the movie yet, don't read this post! Actually there really are no surprises, I thought they stuck with the book pretty well. I really never imagined Edward that way, but I still liked him. He wasn't quite as debonair as I pictured and definitely not as old school. He was very intense, and I can see how she would fall in love with him.
Jacob was pretty much how I imagined, and I can't wait to see how he is in the next movie since he has to grow a ton! In the second book I was cheering for Jacob. I thought " Bella can marry him and have little brown babies and a sort of normal life".
These books are such an enigma to me. I am amazed at how they span generations, and hold peoples interest. I know 14 year olds who read them and my mom who's 83 loved them too. And of course, my daughter and me! Stephanie Meyer is really on to something here. I guess we are hungry for some "G" rated romance, vampire style!
All in all I wasn't dissapointed in the movie. In fact I think I want the video and soundtrack for Christmas!
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